Bea has a new obsession: cat food. I suppose it was only a matter of time, and I should be grateful it is the cat food and not the litter box.
Our cats eat two kinds of dry food. One is designed for dental health and this is their favorite. This is also Bea's favorite. Over the past week, on multiple occasions, Bea has made a dash for the food, thrown a few pieces of kibble in her mouth, and scampered off clutching a few more. As soon as I would spot her she would run away screaming, knowing I would take the food away from her.
The worst part is her cat food breath. Disturbing.
Instead of trying to scare her about the food, I've decided to try to reason with her. She is very fond of Sam and Freddy, so I've explained to her that if she eats Sam and Freddy's food, then they won't have any food and they will be sad and hungry. I have had to explain this a few times. I think it might be sinking in though because now she has a new technique. She brings over one of her little toy stacking bowls, places one piece of kibble in the bowl, then goes in search of a cat. She places the bowl carefully in front of the cat and slowly backs away with a look of anticipation on her face. (This is particularly funny to me because at her 18-month checkup at the start of this week they asked if she knew how to walk backwards and I had no idea.) Unfortunately, neither of the cats have taken her up on her offers and I am worried she might be testing them about the food, to see if I am being on the level with her. Yesterday she also took a piece of food out to her rubber duckie and pretended to feed him. It is hard to take the food away from her when she is being so cute.
Notice the new (slightly awkward) bangs!