Sunday, April 12, 2009

79. Happy Easter

The Easter Bunny brought Bea plastic eggs filled (partially) with raisins and chocolate chips. She went nuts for the chocolate chips and never really took a nap today, poor thing.

Monday, April 6, 2009

78. March and very early April

Sorry for the unexpected hiatus! I am behind on all my Bea record keeping. I suppose I have been too busy with actual Bea keeping. Since my last post we've had a bunch of great visits--a trip to Brooklyn, a week-long visit with Grandma Mary in Bethel, and this past weekend a visit from Rosemary and her parents. We've also begun swim classes. And we took a trip to the emergency room, although that was because I was being extra cautious, not because we really needed to go. Bea took a header in the playground, scraping her face on a tree stump. Since she bonked her head, I figured I'd play it safe. She is healing up nicely. The following is a photo and video recap of the recent (and not-so-recent) activities.

Pretending to take a nap, playing chase, and wearing cats as hats with Sawyer, in Brooklyn:

Swimming (Grandma Mary took the photo through a window, which is why it is all hazy):

Sharing a smile with Grandma Mary:

Two movies of Bea engaged in her 2nd favorite activity (her first is collecting rocks)--dancing & playing her recorder to/with Pet Sounds:

Shortly after her fall, and now--hardly a mark left:

Playing with Rosemary, Jason, and my old circus train:

Rocking with Rosie:

Ladies who lunch: