Thursday, January 10, 2008

33. Beatrice discovers tools (and music)

Bea doesn't want to work; she wants to bang on the drums (or weird clown) all day...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

32. Bea and her first teddy bear

gaze thoughtfully out the window.

31. The Babies New Year

Beatrice and Oliver ring in the New Year.

30. Bouncing 2: Electric Boogaloo

Grandma Fox has been wanting to get Bea a bouncy seat (or, a "jumparoo" as the product calls itself). We haven't wanted to live with such an ugly thing in our midst, and we've read mixed reviews about their effect on the little ones (too much time in them=bad). But we broke down and let Grandma Fox have her way. I am glad we did. Bea LOVES it. See the movie...